When I first heard the news that the Covid-19 was expected to become endemic—a disease that will always be around, like the common cold—my heart sank.

The thought of living in such uncertain times, and being cooped up at home, was depressing. I found myself wishing I was back in the “good old days”, when we enjoyed freedom of movement and didn’t have to worry about being infected.

This feeling comes up even stronger every time I read the latest bad news about Covid-19, such as countries being hit by the next wave of cases and going into lockdown. While most countries are trying to vaccinate as many people as possible, it seems that the reality is that we will never truly get rid of this coronavirus.

Even these days, when I jog around my block, I usually see empty pavements and quiet neighbourhoods—adding to the forlorn feeling of being isolated.

There was one day, however, when I saw something different: coming out of a nearby carpark in my estate was a car decorated for a wedding.

I could only imagine the herculean effort it took for this couple to plan for their wedding, given the restrictions that have had to be implemented to control the spread of Covid-19, and the constantly changing rules and guidelines.

Seeing the bride’s overjoyed face through the window of the car, however, I could say it was well worth their trouble.

It got me thinking of the wedding that is yet to come—the one which will take place between Christ the bridegroom and us who believe in Him. I can only imagine what it would be like at that final day, at that joyous wedding feast.

Revelation 19:6–8 describe the great joyous feast that will take place when that day arrives:

For our Lord God Almighty reigns.
Let us rejoice and be glad
and give him glory!
For the wedding of the Lamb has come,
and his bride has made herself ready.
Fine linen, bright and clean,
was given her to wear.”

Perhaps it was this hope that kept Paul going, even when he was being persecuted and knew that there was nothing but more uncertainty and hardship lying ahead as he continued on his mission to share the gospel.

For him, all this suffering was worth it, because he never forgot the promise he had of eternal life with the Lord. Knowing how he was to conduct himself in light of the hope to come, he could say:

“I consider my life worth nothing to me;
my only aim is to finish the race and
complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me
—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace.”

(Acts 20:22–24)

To the couple who proceeded with their wedding in the midst of Covid-19, thank you for reminding me of how we can live through the uncertainty of this time. Thank you for the inspiration to keep going as a witness of God’s love and grace, knowing that a great wedding feast awaits us.

I pray that as God calls me to trust in Him, I will live for Him and take each day as it comes, knowing that He is sovereign through all the uncertainty and hardship I may face.

And I hope that you will join me in looking forward to the hope we have in Christ. No matter what happens in this battle with Covid-19, we can keep doing all we can to share the good news of Christ with those who have yet to know Him.


Every night I pray,
But it never goes away
A fear that takes hold
Yet just as much
God reminds me
To be bold
That I am His child
Trust in Him
Living my life
Telling of the joy
I have in Christ

Author: Shawn Quah

Shawn is a laid back friendly person, who loves online gaming and the opportunity it brings in meeting new people across the world. He loves eating and though his favorite food is a well-kept secret, we have it on good authority that it’s either Hor Fun or Char Kway Teow. He enjoys writing poetry in his free time and hopes that the Lord will continue to inspire him each and every day. Despite the fleeting and uncertain nature of life, his fondest wish is to continue living it in service to the family he has come to love dearly—God’s family.

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