Do you wish to play a part in impacting the spiritual lives of thousands of people? By giving of your time and talents, you can help us share God’s Word of comfort, encouragement, and hope to people of all ages in Singapore.

The first step is getting to know each other better. We want to find the ideal use of your talents. Simply write to us at to indicate your interest and our staff will get in touch with you soon.

And, you’ve probably thought of several questions you would like to ask about how this program works too. So let’s try to answer the questions you might have.

I don’t have any ministry experience, but how can I help?

There’s no previous ministry experience required. All we ask is a sincere desire to use the talents you already have in helping provide people with biblical resources that will help nurture their relationship with Jesus.

What kind of time commitment would I have to make?

That’s up to you. If, through the process of getting to know each other, you decide you’d like to become a volunteer, you will determine the number of hours you’ll spend here each week. All we ask is a commitment to the hours you establish. Our volunteers are volunteering from 8 to 70 hours per month. Some are on call and others have established a weekly service schedule. We do our best to tailor a plan that best meets your desires.

I’m not familiar with Our Daily Bread Ministries and don’t know anyone there. Will I fit in?

Be assured that our staff members would be happy to get to know you, and grateful for any volunteer effort you can give. We know you’ll find the environment friendly and comfortable.

What are the tasks I would be asked to perform?

Opportunities vary depending on specific needs. Sometimes, we have projects requiring specialized skills. We will do our best to match your skill set and interests to the needs of the ministry.


Volunteers are among our most valuable resources at Our Daily Bread Ministries. We appreciate those who give of their time, talents, and energy to make volunteerism such a meaningful facet of the ministry. Volunteers make an immense difference in the lives of others. It is not uncommon to hear our volunteers say their involvement at Our Daily Bread Ministries meets their needs. Here are excerpts from the testimonials of some of our volunteers.

It has always amazed me how the events in our lives can have such an enormous impact on our decision-making. As the cold winds blew in January 2004, I found myself without employment. Reflection on the long hours and creative efforts spent over the past years offered only despair and sadness.

I had to make a choice like many others in our community have faced in similar situations—to either feel sorry for myself, or ask God to show me what to do next. I felt God was prompting me to use this time to see what I could do to help God’s people. In the beginning I didn’t know if I had the time. Now I can see that I’m just a very small part of a group they call volunteers, who together allow this ministry for God to exist. I’m so glad I found the time and said “yes!”


My work as a volunteer at Our Daily Bread Ministries has been encouraging. There is great satisfaction being a part of God’s work here, knowing that in some small way I have contributed to a more effective use of the resources He has provided.

Access to printed materials has allowed me to share encouragement with others who are facing difficult trials.

The new personal relationships with employees and other volunteer workers has been an unexpected blessing that has in some situations allowed me to also use my abilities away from work.

A good friend suggested that I consider doing some kind of volunteer work that would use the abilities I did have, in spite of my early onset Parkinson disease. It was because of the seed she planted that a notice for volunteers in the church bulletin jumped out at me. There was something I could do that might make a difference somehow for eternity, and in a very enjoyable Christian work environment. I now help out for six hours on two days each week.

When I started volunteering at Our Daily Bread Ministries my thought was, “maybe I’ll gain some experience that I can use as a resume builder.” Never could I have imagined I would gain so much more.

My experience has been nothing but the best of the best. From day one I was meeting people whom I knew were expressing a genuine interest in learning who I was. Even now, three months later, nothing’s changed. The more time I spend at Our Daily Bread Ministries the more people I meet, and every time it’s the same. People are kind, interested, and never fail to let you know that you’re appreciated.

Most of all I’ve had the opportunity to see God’s work, in the least likely place, in people and what they do. Most of the time in our busy lives, surely at work, we tend to forget what the point is, why it is we do what we do. At Our Daily Bread Ministries it seems clear to me that everyone knows exactly what they’re doing and why they’re doing it.


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