Jesus Is My Security
Jesus Is My Security
Jesus is my Security So I am never left alone; I know His rod and His staff will Lead me sovereignly back home.
Jesus is my Security Through life's many tempestuous storms; His reassuring footprints tread Before me as I travel on
Jesus is my Security Though my mortal eyes see not; My Saviour's omnipotent watch Behind each scene will not abort
Jesus is my Security And perfect emblem of a friend; His promised presence anchors Until this earthly journey ends.
Jesus is my Security So I am never left alone; I know His rod and His staff will Lead me sovereignly back home.
Jesus is my Security Through life's many tempestuous storms; His reassuring footprints tread Before me as I travel on
Jesus is my Security Though my mortal eyes see not; My Saviour's omnipotent watch Behind each scene will not abort
Jesus is my Security And perfect emblem of a friend; His promised presence anchors Until this earthly journey ends.

Madeline is a published poet, writer, and editor. She writes from a heart that sees God in a prism of pain and praise. And through inspiration from the Holy Spirit, her words turn a journey of despair into a pilgrimage of hope. Check out her poems on Instagram at @madaboutgod.

Chike Tania, a nomadic illustrator, first recognised her God-given talent at a very young age. More than her love for illustration, God also placed in her heart a deep appreciation for nature and wildlife. Her desire is to be able to use her gifts to glorify her Creator. Check out her illustrations on Instagram at @chiketania.

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