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“You? Again?” That was my brother’s reply when I told him that I had contracted Covid-19—for the second time. It was all the more ironic given that no-one else in my family of seven has contracted it even once.

While the spread of the latest variant of the coronavirus seems to be on the wane in Singapore, I can’t say I feel as positive about it. Not when testing positive came at a bad time.

On the day I did an ART test and saw the dreaded two red lines, I had planned to accompany my dad to the polyclinic for a medical appointment. Then, I was supposed to take my helper to the Manpower Ministry for an interview three days later. And I had a flight to catch a day after that!

While the symptoms of my second bout of Covid-19 were tolerable, it came as a major disruption.

Perhaps Jesus’ disciples felt the same way when their trip was interrupted. They were accompanying Jesus on an urgent mission: Jairus’ daughter was dying, and time was of the essence. But as they were walking along and pushing their way through the crowds, Jesus suddenly stopped and looked around. He wanted to know who had touched Him.

To the disciples, Jesus’ pause must have been frustrating. The last thing they wanted to do was to stop! You can almost hear the irritation in their question to Jesus: “You see the people crowding against you, and yet you can ask, ‘Who touched me?’” (Mark 5:31).

Jesus, however, saw the interruption quite differently. To Him, it was a divine appointment. Instead of brushing her aside and rushing on, He took time to minister to a suffering woman whose illness had made her ceremonially unclean. He knew how she was feeling, having been unable to participate in community life for 12 long years.

While Jesus was talking to this woman, Jairus’ daughter died. The disciples’ worst fears came true. It was too late! . . . or so it seemed. To God, however, the timing was just right. The interruption allowed Jairus to experience an even deeper knowledge of Jesus and His power—a power even over death!

Sometimes, life can throw our plans into disarray with unexpected, unwelcome interruptions.

Yet, in the midst of the maddening chaos, we can continue to take heart, knowing that God keeps us close to His heart. He knows what is happening in our life, and He cares for us. He has the power to intervene in our interruptions. And even if He doesn’t, He will grant us the grace to handle the chaos. He is with us!

Lord, You know how overwhelmed and frustrated I sometimes feel about the interruptions and chaos in my life. Yet I know I can keep trusting You, for You are in charge and in control of all that happens.

Author: Chia Poh Fang

Chia Poh Fang never dreamed of being in a language-related profession; chemistry was her first love. The turning point came when she received Jesus as her Saviour as a 15-year-old and expressed to Jesus that she would like to create books that touch lives. She serves with Our Daily Bread Ministries at the Singapore office as National Director.

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