I wish you Jesus All through this new year; As you surrender Your bondage of fear.
I wish you Jesus Each beautiful morn; As you approach the Curtain God has torn.
I wish you Jesus In the setting sun; As you fill your cup With the grace of One.
I wish you Jesus Amidst the valley; As you journey with Hope of His mercy.
I wish you Jesus For eternity; As you bask in all His promised glory. Amen.
"You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows." Psalm 23:5
I wish you Jesus All through this new year; As you surrender Your bondage of fear.
I wish you Jesus Each beautiful morn; As you approach the Curtain God has torn.
I wish you Jesus In the setting sun; As you fill your cup With the grace of One.
I wish you Jesus Amidst the valley; As you journey with Hope of His mercy.
I wish you Jesus For eternity; As you bask in all His promised glory. Amen.
"You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows." Psalm 23:5

Madeline is a published poet, writer, and editor. She writes from a heart that sees God in a prism of pain and praise. And through inspiration from the Holy Spirit, her words turn a journey of despair into a pilgrimage of hope. Check out her poems on Instagram at @madaboutgod.

Hezky Kurniawan (@hezkykurniawan) is a professional illustrator based in Indonesia. His whimsical and magical art style is inspired by the creativity and imagination of his beloved daughter.

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